
Sunday, 8 July 2012

Blogspot .com Seo Update setting for New interface

Hello my fellow bloggers, i just have an important update to share with you all,if you are a blogger user as in making use of blogspot as you blogging platform, then this great post Seo Update setting for New interface is for you.
Fellow me let get there.
I was busy trying to put one two things together today on my blog this morning when i cam across Meta tag setting on blog setting search preference
I know that many blogger s too might have enable meta tag decription on thier blog through this means but im here to tell you tthat enabling this feature through this means is that seo friendly.
                     How to I Setup Meta Tag for Blogger
First before thinkig of etting meta tag simply check  if your Blog new interface meta tag is enable by going to
Setting> Search Preference> Scroll up and you will see Meta Tag, click on it and disable it.After which return to  your dasboard and click on Design > Html
Edit the Html by expanding it first or go to old interface for easy setup
Select the 'Design' link[see the screenshot below]
blogger design
2.Click on the 'Edit html' tab
click on the 'edit html' tab

Here is the code you have to add after <head>

<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>

3.Add the above code just after this
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

add the code just like this
Please remember to add your keywords and name.
After which just know that you are done.


  1. Here you have providing very useful information Thanks for such an incredible site!

    Seo Hawaii

  2. I know that many blogger s too might have enable meta tag decription on thier blog through this means but im here to tell you tthat enabling this feature through this means is that seo friendlymanual blog comments

  3. Its a very informative post, i read it a found new useful stuff that is very useful for me.
    niche blog comment
